CrossCheck Blog

CrossCheck Blog

Check Processing & Payments Information

Important MWAA Topics: Continuation of SEAA Buzz

The Southeast Acquirers Association (SEAA) conference in New Orleans was a whirlwind of insights and discussions. A major talking point? Surcharging and the potential impact on both merchants and consumers. There are sure to be many more discussions during the Midwest Acquirers Association (MWAA) happening now in Chicago and CrossCheck’s own VP of Partner and ISO Relations Travis Powers will be on hand to answer questions and offer solutions to take to your merchant clients.
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Check Verification, Check Guarantee, ACH: Payment Processing Solutions

Merchants across many industries – auto dealers, building materials vendors, dentists, veterinarians, and many more – need efficient and secure payment processing solutions. While credit cards dominate, checks remain a popular payment method for many customers. But managing checks without a payment processing solution can be a hassle, leading to delays, errors, and potential fraud. This is where partnering with a check processing company like CrossCheck becomes a game-changer.
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Auto Glass Industry Payment Solutions

on Thu, Sep 07, 2023 @ 02:32 PM By | Patrik Jorgensen | 0 Comments | Building Materials Auto Aftermarket Auto Repair Mobile Pay ACH
In the world of auto glass manufacturing, selling, and installation, convenience and efficiency are essential for both businesses and customers. Credit cards are quick and easy but usually carry a heavy surcharge. By comparison, CrossCheck has the services to streamline the process from manufacturing to wholesale, to merchant, to installation, at less cost and with less hassle.
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Auto dealers: Use Checks to Avoid Credit Card Surcharges

Auto dealerships often find themselves grappling with the dilemma of ensuring a smooth payment process while maintaining customer satisfaction. Surcharging fees on credit card payments can quickly complicate that process. As dealerships strive to strike a balance between profitability and customer happiness, embracing checks emerges as a refreshing and profitable alternative. And with CrossCheck in your corner, the inherent risk in accepting checks can be completely nullified with guaranteed payment.
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Check Guarantee: We Guarantee Declined Checks

There are inherent risks associated with accepting a check for goods or services, which is where check guarantee services come in. However, not all check guarantee services are created equal when it comes to risk aversion and often will decline a check - particularly for large-ticket items - as the risk increases with the dollar volume.
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Verify and Guarantee a Check Instantly

Verify and guarantee a check instantly with CrossCheck! CrossCheck has developed a model for cost-effective and fast Check Verification and Check Guarantee that has attracted and made clients of the largest auto-dealer chain in the country, as well as some of the nation's largest veterinary chains, restaurant supply chains and natural gas delivery services. Our Check Verification and Check Guarantee services are an ideal option for all purveyors of goods and services, and especially for any business that operates on tight margins - which these days includes anything from auto dealers to grocery stores - where credit card fees will quickly turn cost prohibitive.
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Auto Repair Shops Need for Secure Check Transactions

on Fri, Apr 22, 2022 @ 12:52 PM By | Patrik Jorgensen | 0 Comments | Auto Aftermarket Increase Sales Auto Repair Check Guarantee Multiple Check
Much has been made of the inventory crunch in both the new- and used-car markets. The Covid effect has been especially difficult for the auto dealer industry as thousands of new cars are sitting idle, waiting for computer chips that continue to be in extremely low supply. Auto Repair shops are taking note as customers delay buying a new car and instead look to maintain older vehicles.
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Where to Buy Auto Parts for Modern Cars

on Mon, Sep 09, 2019 @ 07:45 AM By | Brandes Elitch | 0 Comments | Auto Aftermarket Auto Dealerships
Owning a car is expensive. The American Automobile Association (AAA) says it costs about $8,469 if you drive an average of 15,000 miles a year. But Nerdwallet gets more granular and they calculate a typical monthly cost as follows:
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Five Tools to Increase Sales at an Auto Parts Store

on Wed, May 23, 2018 @ 07:45 AM By | Joe Gargiulo | 0 Comments | Auto Aftermarket Increase Sales
If you hear yourself saying, “we’re an auto parts store, not a savings and loan,” more often than you like, then perhaps you’ll stick around long enough to discover five tools to increase sales. It’s no wonder you feel that way given the cost of card-terminal certifications in relation to time and money. Then there’s the problem with independent garages taking an extra 60 days to pay their monthly balances or even bouncing those checks. You’re in the business of moving auto parts to legitimate wholesale and retail customers, and you want to keep it that way.
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Auto Aftermarket Sci-Fi Movie Car Costs and The Hoff

on Wed, Mar 21, 2018 @ 12:00 PM By | Andrew Donahey | 0 Comments | Auto Aftermarket
Don't hate! David Hasselhoff is huge in Germany, and as it turns out, so is the price tag on the Knight Industries Two Thousand, or just plain KITT to mere mortals such as ourselves. Lucky for us, the focus of this infographic is on the auto aftermarket cost of our favorite Sci-Fi Movie Cars and not the discography of The Hoff. (<<< "You're welcome" for that link right there!)
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