Auto Repair, Maintenance & Service

Auto Repair Payment Solutions

CrossCheck offers powerful payment solutions tailored for auto repair shops, designed to boost sales and reduce risk while saving time and money.

Key Features:

  • Multiple Check
    Give customers extra time to pay for costly service orders, enhancing affordability and easing financial pressure.

  • ACH Pay-by-Link
    Simplify payments with a secure link sent via email or text, allowing customers to pay conveniently after receiving their service.

Benefits for Auto Repair Shops:

  • Increase Sales: Our flexible payment option makes it easier for customers to authorize additional needed repairs while the vehicle is in the shop.
  • Reduce Risk: Secure payments and minimize financial risk.
  • Save Time: Streamline the payment process with ACH Pay-by-Link.

Optimize your payment solutions with CrossCheck. Contact us today to learn how we can support your auto repair shop.

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