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CrossCheck Blog

Guarantee Payment Processing Solutions

B2B Check Guarantee - Accept Payment with Confidence

In the world of B2B commerce, payments are the lifeline of strong partnerships. For businesses like auto parts suppliers, building materials suppliers, veterinary and medical equipment suppliers, office supply dealers, and more, accepting checks remains a cornerstone of business transactions. But with checks come inherent risks, like returned checks for insufficient funds or stop payments. CrossCheck, a leader in payment solutions, offers several tools to secure your transactions and streamline payment processes: Check Guarantee Check on Delivery (COD) Multiple Check
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Doctors, Dentists, and Veterinarians: How to Avoid Non-Payment or Refusal of Service with Multiple Check

on Fri, Oct 11, 2024 @ 01:01 PM By | Patrik Jorgensen | 0 Comments | Dentists Veterinarians Medical CrossCheck Auto Dealerships Multiple Check
Healthcare providers—whether they’re doctors, dentists, or veterinarians—share a deep emotional connection to their work. Picture this: a veterinarian faces the heartbreaking decision to turn away a sick dog because the owner can't afford the upfront costs or doesn't qualify for a credit card. The veterinarian is then left with a choice: either risk providing costly services, like lab tests and x-rays, without assurance of payment or send them elsewhere.
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Important MWAA Topics: Continuation of SEAA Buzz

The Southeast Acquirers Association (SEAA) conference in New Orleans was a whirlwind of insights and discussions. A major talking point? Surcharging and the potential impact on both merchants and consumers. There are sure to be many more discussions during the Midwest Acquirers Association (MWAA) happening now in Chicago and CrossCheck’s own VP of Partner and ISO Relations Travis Powers will be on hand to answer questions and offer solutions to take to your merchant clients.
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ACH Pay-by-Link with Guarantee

CrossCheck's ACH Pay-by-Link with Guarantee is the convenient payment solution for any business. Frictionless payments via email or text will also enable merchants to set up payments with tokenization, meaning customers only have to enter their information once. With credit card fees at high rates, checking accounts are still often the preferred method of payment, and our ACH Pay-by-Link is a superior, easy way to save customers from credit card interest rates, and save the merchant from high credit card fees. Once customers get the ACH Pay-by-Link as a text or email, they can enter their info on a phone or tablet and CrossCheck will handle the rest.
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Check Guarantee Helps Orthodontists Treat Patients and Secure Payment

Getting braces, whether for children or adults, can be a daunting financial challenge, reaching into the multiple thousands of dollars. CrossCheck’s many services can help both orthodontists and parents/patients as they navigate this financial challenge. Our MED-RDC program boasts several services, including electronic processing through Remote Deposit Capture, as well as Check Guarantee and Multiple Check, all of which can insure payment for the provider and payment options for the patient.
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Pet Dental Care is Crucial for Overall Pet Health

on Fri, Feb 11, 2022 @ 02:54 PM By | Patrik Jorgensen | 1 Comment | Veterinarians Medical Check Guarantee Multiple Check
In honor of National Pet Dental Health Month, many pet parents will realize just how important it is to take care of their pets’ teeth. Complications for poor dental health can range from fairly mundane bad breath, to much more serious illnesses, including organ failure.
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How Opticians Can Help With Patients’ Payment Problems

Seven-year-old Ralph (or Ralphie, as his friends call him) comes into your office. You’re his optometrist and you’ve just fitted him for his first pair of glasses. Ralphie has struggled in school because of headaches and vision problems, which in some cases have even resulted in behavioral problems because he feels unsure whenever he is asked to read something off the board at the front of the classroom.
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