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CrossCheck Blog

Guarantee Payment Processing Solutions

Important MWAA Topics: Continuation of SEAA Buzz

The Southeast Acquirers Association (SEAA) conference in New Orleans was a whirlwind of insights and discussions. A major talking point? Surcharging and the potential impact on both merchants and consumers. There are sure to be many more discussions during the Midwest Acquirers Association (MWAA) happening now in Chicago and CrossCheck’s own VP of Partner and ISO Relations Travis Powers will be on hand to answer questions and offer solutions to take to your merchant clients.
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ISOs: Earn Passive Income and Lifetime Residuals with CrossCheck

Forget the stereotype of passive income as a distant dream. This is a unique opportunity: becoming an Independent Sales Organization (ISO) for check processing services. Partnering with a reputable company like CrossCheck allows you to build a steady stream of income that keeps flowing even when you're not actively selling.
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How to Build Passive Income With Check Services as an ISO

on Mon, Aug 23, 2021 @ 10:00 AM By | Rudy Campos | 2 Comments | Independent Sales Organization (ISO)
When it comes to finding modern ways to build passive income, using paper checks to create a new revenue stream might seem like a far-fetched idea. However, as an Independent Sales Organization (ISO) you can build a lifetime of residuals by connecting merchants with check services. For every lead you drive towards the company you're partnered with, you can receive a percentage of residual income for every closed sale. Income from a closed sale is paid for the lifetime of the account. You can depend on payments from established companies like CrossCheck, Inc. that haven’t missed a single payment to an ISO since its inception in 1983.
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Why Checks Are Still Relevant to ISOs

on Fri, Oct 25, 2019 @ 09:45 AM By | Brandes Elitch | 0 Comments | Independent Sales Organization (ISO) Auto Dealerships
CrossCheck, Inc. opened for business in 1983. In those days, almost every merchant accepted checks at the point of sale. Merchants that took credit cards were using a “knuckle-buster” with multi-part carbon forms to process a transaction. They put the card in the holder, ran the imprinter back and forth over it, extracted the forms, sorted them, and sent some to the bank and others to the processor. Two years earlier, the card associations announced that transactions over $50 which were processed with a point-of-sale system would get discounted pricing. Early POS systems were priced at $900, which the average merchant could not afford. But something happened in 1982: Verifone rocked the merchant world with a POS terminal that cost only $125, the ZON. This changed everything.
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CrossCheck’s Lifetime Residuals for ISOs Can Change Your Life

on Wed, Jul 31, 2019 @ 07:45 AM By | Brandes Elitch | 0 Comments | Independent Sales Organization (ISO)
CrossCheck started in the check guarantee business way back in 1983. Checks ruled at the time, and nearly every merchant accepted them at the point of sale. Back then, in fact, many merchants did not take credit cards at all. This was due, in part, to the high cost of interchange and because processing a card transaction was much more complicated than taking a check. Merchants had to put a bulky multi-part carbon form in a knuckle-busting sliding imprinter (aka “Zip Zap machine”), and then sort out the forms and send them out for processing. There is a reason why it was called a “knuckle buster.” By comparison, taking a check was pretty easy, comfortable, and familiar to merchants, and consumers commonly wrote them for purchases at the store.
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Electronic Payments from Start to Fintech at TRANSACT 2019: pt 4

“Today is the slowest technology will be in our lifetime,” said Xerox President and COO Steve Bandrowczak in a Corporate Board Member article. “The pace of change will accelerate and leadership skills and leading through change are going to create a tremendous amount of winners and losers.” His observation about speed should hold true in places where electricity and internet connections are commonplace while his insights on leadership sound like a corporate application of natural selection.
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Generating Bank Revenue with Merchant Referral Programs

on Fri, Mar 22, 2019 @ 06:45 AM By | Brandes Elitch | 0 Comments | Brandes Elitch Independent Sales Organization (ISO)
Of all the different components in the payments ecosystem, only one commands absolute trust among its clients — the banking industry. This is one of the main reasons why merchant referral programs are excellent revenue sources for banks. After all, a bank is where you keep your money. No matter what form of payment you tender when you buy something, all payments begin and end in a demand deposit account. You know that whenever or wherever you access your bank — branch, ATM or online — it will be open and ready to serve you 7/24/365. You also trust that your statement will balance to the penny and be delivered on time. Aside from the banking industry, I don’t know of any other ecosystem that is 100 percent reliable.
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