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CrossCheck Blog

Guarantee Payment Processing Solutions

Charles Dortch III

Recent Posts

Auto dealers: Use Checks to Avoid Credit Card Surcharges

Auto dealerships often find themselves grappling with the dilemma of ensuring a smooth payment process while maintaining customer satisfaction. Surcharging fees on credit card payments can quickly complicate that process. As dealerships strive to strike a balance between profitability and customer happiness, embracing checks emerges as a refreshing and profitable alternative. And with CrossCheck in your corner, the inherent risk in accepting checks can be completely nullified with guaranteed payment.
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Six Ways to Position for Success in a Post-COVID Environment

on Thu, Apr 15, 2021 @ 11:36 AM By | Charles Dortch III | 0 Comments | Check Guarantee
“Proper preparation prevents poor performance” is a phrase that I heard over and over while in basic training at Fort Knox, Ky. My drill sergeants always stressed the importance of staying ready so you never need to get ready. This simple phrase got me thinking about how businesses are coping during the pandemic. More importantly, what steps are businesses taking to position for success in a post-COVID environment? I have spoken to GMs, controllers, finance directors, CFOs and CEOs about some of the steps they are taking to navigate these rocky waters. Hopefully, their insights (summarized below) will provide you with inspiration and hope as we begin the second quarter of 2021.
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