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Guarantee Payment Processing Solutions

Electronic Payments from Start to Fintech at TRANSACT 2019: pt 4

“Today is the slowest technology will be in our lifetime,” said Xerox President and COO Steve Bandrowczak in a Corporate Board Member article. “The pace of change will accelerate and leadership skills and leading through change are going to create a tremendous amount of winners and losers.” His observation about speed should hold true in places where electricity and internet connections are commonplace while his insights on leadership sound like a corporate application of natural selection.
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Electronic Payments from Start to Fintech at TRANSACT 2019: pt 3

on Wed, May 29, 2019 @ 01:54 PM By | Brandes Elitch | 0 Comments | Electronic Transactions Association (ETA)
Did you ever wonder what happens when you use your credit card at a merchant to buy goods or services? If you’re like most people, you probably never give these type of electronic payments a second thought. You just know that everything happens magically and instantly as you insert your chip in the reader or swipe the card, or enter the card information into the merchant’s online payment gateway. The next time you see it is when you get the bill from your card issuing bank a few weeks later. There is a lot going on behind the scenes, and it is pretty interesting how it all works. Here is a high level view of that process, but first a little background.
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Electronic Payments from Start to Fintech at TRANSACT 2019: pt 2

on Tue, Apr 23, 2019 @ 11:45 AM By | Joe Gargiulo | 0 Comments | Electronic Transactions Association (ETA) Events / Conferences
“TRANSACT is the one show focused solely on the business of payments technology,” states its producer, the Electronic Transactions Association (ETA), the world’s largest payments industry trade group. Payments technology, however, is not the only focus. There are no less than 11 opportunities for electronic payments experts to socialize with peers, vendors and organizers over food and beverages.
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Electronic Payments from Start to Fintech at TRANSACT 2019: Pt 1

on Wed, Mar 27, 2019 @ 09:47 AM By | Joe Gargiulo | 0 Comments | Electronic Transactions Association (ETA)
TRANSACT 2019 is where professionals working in electronic payments want to be. ETA, the leading organization in electronic payments, presents its annual conference April 30 to May 2 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. The event features three-plus days of seminar sessions, keynote presentations by leaders in payments technology, an exhibit hall, and networking events such as business luncheons and dinners, galas and awards presentations, and a golf tournament.
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