Verify and guarantee a check instantly with CrossCheck!
CrossCheck has developed a model for cost-effective and fast Check Verification and Check Guarantee that has attracted and made clients of the largest auto-dealer chain in the country, as well as some of the nation's largest veterinary chains, restaurant supply chains and natural gas delivery services. Our Check Verification and Check Guarantee services are an ideal option for all purveyors of goods and services, and especially for any business that operates on tight margins - which these days includes anything from auto dealers to grocery stores - where credit card fees will quickly turn cost prohibitive.
Check Verification
Check Verification is ideal for small-ticket goods and services as it does not include a guarantee option but gives merchants the peace of mind that the check has been verified through CrossCheck. With our Check Verification service, merchants get an instant recommendation as to whether or not to accept a particular check.
CrossCheck’s recommendation comes with the surety developed through nearly 40 years in business.
Check Guarantee
For larger ticket sales, our Check Guarantee service offers the additional protection of guaranteeing the payment. When a check is accepted, CrossCheck immediately begins the process of ensuring the funds reach the merchant's account.
Why checks get declined
There are other options than CrossCheck for Check Verification and Check Guarantee services but CrossCheck's experience shows that many checks get wrongfully declined because the company guaranteeing the check is unwilling to assume the risk of large-ticket items. This can be detrimental to - for instance - auto dealers, who may very well lose a sale. Even if the customer has $20,000 in the bank, a $5,000 down payment check can get declined by other Check Guarantee services for a variety of reasons.
We are so confident in our service that we even include our Plus Sales option, which is ideal for companies that already use another Check Guarantee provider. If a customer check gets declined by the original Check Guarantee service, a merchant using our Plus Sales service simply submits the check via our 24/7 authorization line or merchant portal, after which the check will be guaranteed. If the check is returned unpaid, merchants submit it to CrossCheck for reimbursement, which will increase sales and mitigate risk while saving time and money.
Check Verification and Check Guarantee with 40 years in Business
CrossCheck has been in business over 40 years and we cater to merchants both large and small. Our reputation is unassailable and making sure you get paid for your goods and services is our main goal. Click the button below for a free consultation and don't forget to check out all our additional services - Check Guarantee, Mobile Pay, ACH, and more - on our website. Get your checks verified today!