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Guarantee Payment Processing Solutions

ACH with Guarantee for Veterinarians

Posted by Patrik Jorgensen | Thu, Jun 01, 2023 @ 01:06 PM


People love their pets and as they age they require more frequent and consistent visits to the veterinarian to ensure their ongoing health and well-being. With that in mind, CrossCheck's ACH Pay-by-Link with guarantee is the best choice for veterinarians as it offers a simple, quick and easy payment solution. Tokenization  also means the pet parent will not have to enter any information after the first visit, which will naturally speed up and simplify future payments for both merchant and customer.

ACH Pay-by-Link for Frequent Visits

Our ACH Pay-by-Link guarantees your account will receive payment with a paperless check transaction. Once the customer enters their information and hits the send button, CrossCheck will process the payment. If for any reason the payment isn't covered - including insufficient funds - our ACH Pay-by-Link with Guarantee will ensure the merchant gets paid for any goods or services it has delivered.  The tokenization of our system and frictionless approach also eases the process for repeat customers.

ACH With Guarantee Will Protect Your Business

iStock-871602200Whether it be dental work or other ongoing health issues, making sure our pets are well taken care of, nurtured and healthy can be a costly proposition. Add in credit card fees and interest payments and it is no wonder many pet parents still choose to pay with checks.  And with CrossCheck's ACH Pay-by-Link with Guarantee, veterinarians can accept payment without concern.

Considering vet bills often run into thousands of dollars, an ACH payment that gets returned unpaid for whatever reason could become a serious financial burden for the veterinary office. Utilizing CrossCheck's ACH Pay-by-Link with Guarantee protects the merchant against unpaid bills as CrossCheck will make sure the money reaches the merchant's account regardless of why the payment was returned in the first place.

Using ACH to Alleviate Costly Credit Card Fees

CrossCheck's ACH Pay-by-Link with Guarantee is a less costly option than the average fees that are tacked on by credit card companies as a cost of doing business; that includes the chargeback fees credit card companies will add on if a customer complains. For veterinarians - or any business operating on slim margins to begin with - credit card fees can quickly become a costly burden of doing business and often force merchants to pass on the cost to consumers. With Cross-Check's ACH Pay-by-Link, both merchants and customers pay significantly less, and our Check Guarantee is always there to ensure streamlined payment.

Complimentary Consultation


Topics: Veterinarians, CrossCheck, Increase Sales, Check Guarantee, credit card, ACH

Written by Patrik Jorgensen