We see you over there, veterinarians! We know you to be hard working, compassionate, dedicated, driven and more. All told, you've got mettle, the right stuff. You've endured volunteering at shelters, AP science classes in high school, four years of pre-vet undergrad studies, the GRE, vet school applications, four years of veterinary school with King Kong sized debt averaging $135k, and the licensing exam. Whew ... now get a job, doc, but don't forget the oath first! Whether you hung a shingle or joined an existing practice, it's time to show off your business acumen. Yes, we said business acumen, and if you don't have one, you better focus on developing one. It's not all birthin' puppies and spaying cats. The horror ... you may even have to develop a business plan. Everyone contributes to running a profitable practice, from reception to surgery, from individual contributors to doctors and owners, everyone. If business is done right, everyone profits too. We know that's music to your bank account because King Kong is on your back. To help you domesticate Kong, we've compiled a list of profit inducing resources:
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