Why Choose Remote Deposit Capture?
CrossCheck's Remote Deposit Capture is an advanced type of Electronic Check Processing that enables merchants to accept, process and deposit guaranteed checks into their business accounts without leaving the office.
What are the benefits of RDC?
RDC eliminates claims submissions, bank visits to deposit checks, missed deposits, the collection of bad checks, and more:
- Accept more checks with fewer administrative returns.
- 24/7 processing, transaction reporting and review, and tech support.
- Guaranteed funding in 48 – 72 hours.
- Consolidated reporting and banking.
- Free Loaner equipment.
"Check Guarantee mitigates the risk of accepting checks while Remote Deposit Capture saves time and money because of fewer trips to the bank." — Southern California Home Furnishings Store
RDC also provides the framework for Multiple Check, the C.A.R.S. program for auto dealerships, and MED-RDC for medical, dental, and veterinary offices.