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ETA 2013 - The Future of Payments is Here!

Posted by Andrew Donahey | Thu, May 02, 2013 @ 09:50 AM

CrossCheck at ETAIt’s my fifth day here in New Orleans. Day one – fly in. Day two – set up booth. Day three – look sharp for the evening reception. Day four – attend opening session, get inspired!, staff booth, meet a million new contacts, celebrate 30th anniversary, give away iPad, tweet, go to the Discover party, return to hotel, collapse. Day five – catch up on everything I didn’t do yesterday and then pack up. Wow! What a whirlwind. But I’m ready to start it all again tomorrow and here’s why.

First thing Wednesday, after a brisk jog through the French Quarter (not kidding!), I listened to keynote speaker Michael Abbott, CEO of ISIS, expound on the future of mobile and mcommerce. As he so eloquently put it, mobile is a “Science Fair no longer.”  It was a dynamic conversation… and I mean that. Speaking to this crowd of over 3,000 attendees and exhibitors, Abbott has jumpstarted the mobile conversation among these payment professionals. He explained the phone is becoming the mouse to navigate the world. 86 percent of consumers want a mobile wallet. The time to get into the mcommerce game is by going contactless now. He really echoed the ETA’s theme of Mobile + Tech + Commerce = The Future of Payments.

There were other interesting presentations, too. David Nelms, Chairman & CEO of Discover, spoke about how our industry drives success from partnering with others. It was a great and inspiring talk on the emerging changes our industry is witnessing.

Wednesday afternoon I had a chance to meet up with  issuers, acquireres, ISOs, Super ISOs and technology companies of every focus. Then it was time to celebrate. CrossCheck has been in business since 1983, which is a big deal in an industry that moves so quickly. For our 30th anniversary we went a little old school and pulled out a big birthday cake. (Who doesn’t like cake?) We served it up “big easy” style with a hosted bar under the care of bartender Ricky. I'd be remiss without thanking Theresa, our hired hand, who broke all records for attracting business cards.  

CrossCheck winner

There was also lots of interest in our iPad mini giveaway and congrats to Kevin Canada, Director of Sales at EVO Payments International, who won the first one yesterday. (Shown here with Dave Siembieda on the left, and Todd Little.) Today our iPad winner was Lisa Coyle, Owner/CFO of 360 Payment Solutions.

Wednesday evening the meetings continued as we headed off to the Discover party held at Bourbon Vieux on New Orleans’ infamous Bourbon Street. Interesting fact: Bourbon Street, like other streets in the French Quarter, goes back to the 1700s and is named after one of the royal houses of France, and not after the drink. Bourbon Street has become a great place to party, though, and the Discover party confirmed this. Lots of spicy Cajun and Creole food and some classic New Orleans jazz on the balcony made for a good time.

As we wrap up this year’s main event, I’m excited that ETA is committed to be a force for change in payments today and that this meeting provides a forum for mobile technology, mcommerce solutions and payment providers to come together. I’m looking forward to seeing what all of these brilliant companies and brilliant leaders do over the next few months. 

Were you impressed with this year’s Annual Meeting? Let me know what you liked best.


Topics: Electronic Transactions Association (ETA)

Written by Andrew Donahey

Marketing Director Andrew Donahey leads a dedicated group of digital marketing specialists that generates relevant content for the financial services sector. He also collects vintage “anything” and has a Golden Retriever kennel.